weekly simple eco tip, 7.31

Water conservation is important to remember, especially during summer months. Some cities, including Lafayette, set water conservation ordinances in order to maximize water resources. Our summer water schedule allows for homes with even numbers to water lawns on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, homes with odd numbers to water on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and no one on Mondays. Watering is also restricted to between midnight and 2pm. 

If you do water your lawn, check to see if your city has a watering ordinance and make sure to follow it. Always be sure not to water during the hottest part of the day (midafternoon). And if you have an automatic sprinkler, be sure to turn it off during/after a rainstorm. Few things make me more mad than seeing an automatic sprinkler going off in the rain. 

These three simple watering ways will make a big difference in your conservation efforts.

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