local love, link friday, 8.2

First, one quick word and a lot of punctuation. AUGUST!!!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Okay. Now I feel better.

A couple of local links this week for yall!

The Onlies are a Lafayette-based folky band, and they've just released a new album! Their album release party is tomorrow, Saturday, August 3, at Artmosphere.

Red Arrow Workshop is a Lafayette gift shop featuring Parish Ink clothing and all kinds of fun gifts from local/or and eco-friendly vendors. Everything they have is awesomely unique. They're celebrating their first birthday party tonight from 6-9.

And lastly, tomorrow is the monthly Food Truck Roundup at Parc Lafayette. While a bunch of food trucks gathered together doesn't inherently scream "eco-friendly", the food is fantastic and you're still supporting local businesses. Many of these food trucks get their food from local vendors, so the food is that much better. Go get you some food!

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