This year's Earth Hour is happening this Saturday, March 29. Are you unfamiliar with Earth Hour? Watch the official video above! Other key facts for you:
- Earth Hour is a worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to protect the planet, and is organized by WWF. Earth Hour began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007. In seven short years, Earth Hour has become a larger, worldwide environmental movement.
- Earth Hour aims to encourage an interconnected global community to share the opportunities and challenges of creating a sustainable world.
- Earth Hour takes place from 8:30-9:30 in your local time zone. Why is it different? Because to make a bigger impact for Earth Hour, it should happen at night while people are still awake, and of course, no one's nighttime happens at the same time!
- To participate in Earth Hour, all you need to do is turn off the non-essential lights wherever you are for one hour. What you do in that hour is up to you! To really take a stand, don't just watch a movie or TV in the dark. Instead, spend time with your loved ones, light a candle and read, think about ways to be greener and live with the spirit of Earth Hour every day… or whatever you can think of!
- The World Wildlife Fund oversees Earth Hour activities in the United States.
- On a bigger scale, cities, businesses, colleges and famous landmarks are also participating in Earth Hour. Landmarks from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (be still my heart), to Niagara Falls in New York, to the Space Needle in Seattle will all be going dark for one hour.
- You can help spread the word about Earth Hour by using the hashtags #EarthHour and #YourPower.
- Follow the Earth Hours around the world by following Earth Hour on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
- For other information, visit the Earth Hour FAQs!