weekly simple eco tip, 1.30

It's already time for the Super Bowl. Whether you're a 49ers fan, a Baltimore fan or a bitter Saints fan (ahem, not me...), Sunday is sure to be a big day. If anything, at least New Orleans is ready to party!

 Image: NFL

If you're attending a party, do your part to make it green! 
  • Offer to bring a bin for recycling materials if the hosts don't have or use their own.
  • Bring your own cup or glass for your drink, instead of using a disposable one.
  • If you're bringing food, bring it in a reusable container.
  • If you do use disposable dinnerware, reuse it when you go back for seconds. (Notice I said when and not if. Let's be realistic. :) )
  • Then make sure to rinse and recycle that disposable dinnerware!
If the NFL can work on being greener, then of course you can green your Super Bowl Sunday!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll get back to being a bitter Saints fan, and wishing I could hightail it to New Orleans for the weekend.


Unknown said...

wow, this year is just flying by! I can't believe it's already Super Bowl time again! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way! How is it already the last day of January!? :)

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