Happy 2013!
New Year's Eve 2011, New York City
Do you make resolutions for the year? Or are you one of those people who think they're unattainable and pointless? Every year I find myself making a few resolutions...some I stick to, others...not as much.
This year I've got a special few resolutions focused on my environmentalism, and this blog.
- Feature more local businesses and people on the blog, including more visits and photos, and interviews.
- Get y'all more involved.
- Grow the whole site to be even bigger and more awesome.
- Set up an official eco cajun Pinterest board.
- Try composting!
- Buy a hybrid vehicle. (Oh, how this is my BIG resolution for the year.)
- Make my apartment a truly green haven...and write about it.
I want all of you to hold me accountable to these, and hopefully I will see you back here on January 1, 2014, so I can see just how well I did!
What are some of your green new year's resolutions?
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