And this is probably one of the easiest eco problems to solve, in my opinion. Even just reusing that plastic water bottle a few times helps tremendously. And I did so for a few months, but last September, I went a step further.
I discovered the website and all of the eco-friendly items they sell. It was there I found the Klean Kanteen. The Kanteens come in all sizes, all colors and a variety of tops. I chose the 18oz orange one. I'll buy just about anything orange. And then I chose the flat top for office use and sport top for gym use. One week later, my package arrived - a used Verizon Blackberry box and sale papers. It was then I was officially in love with Buy Green.
It took a little time to get used to bringing my Kanteen to the gym, but even if I forgot, I refused to use the styrofoam cup and plastic straw and lid. It wasn't hard to adjust to filling it every morning and carrying it to work (in my cloth lunch bag). And so every day, I have my Kanteen with me. Sometimes I'll even bring it to lunch instead of ordering a drink.
So for an upfront cost of about $30, including the Kanteen, an extra cap and shipping, I have ceased using plastic water bottles. Even if I used just one water bottle a day, that's approximately 210 water bottles I have kept out of a landfill and even out of the recycling bin.
And that makes my green heart happy.
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