golden october days

Somehow my favorite month is almost over, and I am far below my quota on cooking with pumpkin, drinking pumpkin spice lattes and wearing scarves.

At least the weather has finally decided to get with the season and cool off. It's finally gorgeous bike-riding weather, and my main man and I were able to ride to last weekend's Gulf Brew. I never get tired of biking to events and riding up to the entrance, instead of spending forever finding a parking spot. This year's event was at the Horse Farm, and it was wonderful to take advantage of the open green space instead of being on pavement like in years past. The mud wasn't a big issue at all. I hope to squeeze in many more rides in the near future.

At the event, I was excited to see recycling stations next to each trash can, so everyone was able to recycle their stack of plastic shot glasses. I think I successfully recycled 19 of them - all from light and/or flavored beer, of course. I noticed the recycling bins were branded with recycle lafayette, and yet I can't seem to find anything online about a new green organization in town. If anyone knows about this, let me know!

The moon was low and large over Gulf Brew.

Other Octoberesque events included making a slow-cooker vegetarian chili the second the temperatures dipped, and then eating outside at P's house for the first time since he moved in. Unfortunately the mosquitoes were still awful, so the nice evening didn't last a long time.

P set out on mulching a few weeks ago, and for about a week, our hands and feet were this color red. I've dealt with more mulch than I'd ever care to again. And I'm proud of him for getting natural mulch from a local nursery. As he learned and taught me, mulch from big box stores are usually made from broken down pallets and then stained. While recycled, it's not the same as using natural mulch wood that hasn't been treated.

Since the weather has been nice, big Milo has been allowed to play outside again, and he's been enjoying the leaves that fall onto my balcony.

But there's still time to fit in some more activities before Halloween! Tonight, P and I are going to be carving pumpkins, and we're doing it the green way! 

Instead of buying a cheap, crappy pumpkin carving kit, we will use kitchen knives that we already have. 

We'll cover our outdoor workspace with broken down cardboard boxes, to help with keeping the pumpkin guts contained. 

And of course, I'll be roasting all the pumpkin seeds that we scoop out! Pumpkin seeds are such a delicious, healthy snack, and I always season them to high heaven so they have a kick to them.

Come on back later for pictures of our carving progress, the finished products and the roasted seeds! There might also be a few more Milo shots, because I am totally That Girl.

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