I hope the tour gives a visual perspective of how to incorporate green elements into your existing room, and shows you how you can make small changes.
Shall we begin?
one. CFL light bulbs in all fixtures, of course! The first step to lowering your energy usage.
two. Recycled and repurposed food jars as candle holders. I know one of these jars used to hold green olives, and its size is perfect to hold a votive candle.
three. The end table was purchased by my mom at a garage sale many years ago for use in her classroom. Once she no longer had a need for it, it sat in storage at our house, and when I moved to this apartment, I took it and sanded and repainted it to fit my color scheme. I think this end table will have more lives than a cat.
four. The blanket was probably mine many years ago, but has been at my parents' house, and I took it when I adopted the kitten. He doesn't use it. But there it is. It mostly serves to cover the arm of the chair to keep it from getting totally scratched to threads.
five. This lamp was a hand-me-down as well. Free is the best!
six. Natural sun light. I love the ambience the open windows gives my home. (And normally I don't use both lamps while I have the sun light streaming in. Just so you know!)
seven. Soy candle made by a woman in New Orleans, sold at the French Market.
eight. The coffee table came from Craigslist and cost me $25. I also sanded and painted it, so the table and end table would look more like a set and less like a flea market.
nine. Locally made and purchased tile coasters.
All of these items mix in with my other pieces to create a room that is all me!
meow. Milo, the adopted kitten, curious about the candle, of course. But then he decided he was ready for his close-up.
Are there any green elements in your living room right now?
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