Photo Friday | Christmas Week and Looking Ahead

Well, we've made it to the last Friday of the year! The year-in-review retrospectives are popping up everywhere, but this year, I'm skipping my tradition. This year was tough, and this holiday week has been bittersweet. I did enjoy reading through my 2016 and 2015 retrospectives this week!


We did have a good Christmas, full of family visits, lots of gumbo, and some awesome eco-friendly gifts. My husband got me a new purse, something I have been needing: a cruelty-free vegan leather Melie Bianco tote. I love a good structured bag, and this one instantly makes me feel more put together. (And inside my bag is my new BPA-free reusable to-go utensil set, including chopsticks. Thank you to my devoted blog reader - my stepmother-in-law!)


I wanted a new 'statement' necklace, and I found this recycled materials necklace from Uncommon Goods, which my parents gifted to me. Can you believe the blue twisted beads are actual orange peels!? I'm definitely all about an eco-friendly piece that starts a conversation. The other beads are made from textured acai berry seeds, pearly bombona nuts, and smooth camajuro seeds.

It was the year of the jewelry, as I also got a thin bangle bracelet made by Texas-based designer Richard Schmidt, which was custom adorned with a charm of St. Frances Cabrini. The charm was part of a collection my husband's great-grandmother had, and all of the women in the family received one this year. I love the honor of carrying on a family piece!

The wide silver cuff was handmade by my husband's uncle, making it extra special. It goes well with the Alex and Ani healing love cuff I wear every day!

And for my Christmas Day attire, I went secondhand with my favorite turquoise sweater and gray suede boots from ThredUP.

New Year

Even with a little reservation, I'm looking forward to 2018 and working on my new year's resolutions, which I'll be posting on Monday. I'm very much ready for a fresh slate, and I've gotten a jump start this week, from clearing off my bulletin board in my office, to starting a brand new notebook for the year.

This notebook is the same brand as my trusty Eco Jot Every Day is Earth Day notebook that I've been using for almost four years, and it made of 100% post-consumer recycled paper with vegetable ink and adhesives. It was so hard to choose a design when I realized I was getting to the end of the notebook! These little succulents are so colorful.

Do you have New Year's Eve plans? I think all of our plans now involve freezing our butts off, but we're looking forward to a low-key night with my brother- and sister-in-law before they leave next week. Pretty sure my night will involve a thick blanket, bottle of champagne and a couple of sparklers, and I'm okay with that.

Before you get ready for New Year's Eve, check out my column in this week's Times of Acadiana, on how you can green in the new year - from celebrating more sustainably to making a few eco-minded resolutions.

So I'll see y'all back here Monday with my list of 2018 resolutions! Have fun for New Year's Eve, but don't do anything stupid!

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