Maybe I'm a nerd who loves to celebrate holidays, and maybe America Recycles Day really is one of my top favorite holidays.
Would you really expect anything more?
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This Sunday, November 15, is Keep America Beautiful's annual day to celebrate and do some recycling! It's easy to celebrate, whether you find and participate in a local event or do something on your own. Let's celebrate recyclable items and the items they can become in a new life!
- Take the pledge to recycle a particular product, maybe one you don't recycle now. This year's focus is on recyclable bathroom products - a topic I wrote about earlier this year! Send those shampoo or lotion bottles on to a new life instead of to the landfill.
- Recycle as much as you possibly can! Especially on November 15, make it the highest priority. If you collect your recycling inside, make sure to bring everything to your outside bin or community dumpster for pickup.
- Grab some bags and get outside yourself or with your children or a group of friends. Go on a litter hunt and pick up and recycle as much as you can. This is also a great way to teach children what can be recycled.
- Offer to recycle for others - whether your office or neighbors. Offer to take any of their recyclable waste and put it out for pickup. At work, go around to everyone's desks and offer to collect any recyclable waste, or leave a special bin for them that you can pick up later.
- Visit the America Recycles Day website and look for a recycling event in your area. There are tons across the country! However, as of today, there are only events in Eunice and New Roads.
- Share the message with everyone! Let your friends and family know about America Recycles Day and encourage them to participate too.
Photo: Seed Paper Promotions |
How do you plan to celebrate America Recycles Day this Sunday?
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