eco cajun resolutions for 2015

I can just feel it. 2015 is going to be a big year. Between having big ideas for Eco Cajun and turning 30 in June, I want to make it a standout year. But no pressure on myself or anything!

I've already started my Countdown to 30 list, but why not add to the challenge with some eco new year resolutions?

Answer text messages and emails quicker. Y'all. I admit I have a shortcoming when it comes to answering texts or non-work-related emails. If I don't answer right away, I forget to for days. No more. I will be grown-up and efficient and take care of things as they are sent!

Actually use my reusable produce bags. For as good as I am remembering to use my cloth bags, I am terrible at remembering my produce bags. And partially related...

Shop at the farmer's market more often. Because a house filled with local produce is a happy house indeed. (Unless you're my boyfriend, who doesn't like most veggies. Ha.)

More yoga! Okay, maybe this resolution should be working on a more natural lifestyle. I started using essential oils last year and have been enjoying them so far, and I'd like to use aromatherapy a bit more at home everyday. I am contemplating getting massages on a more regular basis as a way to relieve my ailments as well (I'm looking at you, crappy sinuses). And with all that comes a plan to go to yoga class at my gym more regularly. I would love to depend less on medicine and more on natural practices to stay healthy. Clearer mind and body in 2015!

Start a new regular feature on Eco Cajun. What will it be, you might ask. Ha. I have no idea. But I want to give these posts some new life. If there's something you want to see, leave a comment or email me any time!

Be involved in making Lafayette more eco-friendly. Since becoming a board member for Keep Lafayette Beautiful, I'm excited to have an active role in Lafayette's green progress. Between KLB and Project Front Yard, I can't wait to do as much as I can and make a difference. There's so much work to be done and so much potential to be tapped into, and I'm ready to get the ball rolling.

Did you make any new year's resolutions? Let's hear 'em!


donny* said...

Here's to that big 2015! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

I love your bucket list and resolutions, especially the farmers' market one! I, too, always have the best intentions of strolling from booth to booth on Saturday morning but instead lazily stay in bed.

Caitlin said...

Happy New Year to you as well! :)

Caitlin said...

Thank you, Joelle! The struggle is real, haha!

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