early november outdoor fun

It's finally, FINALLY getting cooler around Louisiana, in time for it to be November. The Halloween rains brought a nice cold front through, and the weekend was impeccably beautiful. We spent Friday evening and most of Saturday riding our bikes around town, and soaked up all the time we've missed on bikes these past few months. From a ride downtown (complete with my chain falling off twice) to a ride through our college campus and park, then rides to the homecoming parade and tailgating, we got some great exercising in. Riding through campus was a fun, but surreal experience. I grew up in this town, and the college has always been part of my life, but it's a smaller part these days than it used to be. As we rode around, we saw all of the changes happening on campus (for the good, of course), and it brought back a lot of memories. It's already been six years since I got that degree, and while I don't really have dreams of going back for a higher degree, I do still miss those days sometimes.  

The homecoming parade and tailgating with friends were the perfect ways to spend Saturday. We rode by the grocery store to get some beer and water on the way out to tailgating, and I laughed to myself seeing the woman in front of us purchasing sherry and dried porcini mushrooms. Sometimes I think I can be a decent adult, and then I'm in line at the store buying beer behind a woman buying sherry to cook with her mushrooms. But I think I'd rather not feeling enough like a grown-up than feeling too much like one.

How could you not wish to take a nap in the grass when it looks this inviting? I never got an outdoor nap in, but I certainly dreamed about it all weekend.

Sunday we headed out to Abbeville for the annual Giant Omelette festival - where 5,029 eggs go into making the largest omelette around. And then it all gets eaten within 15 minutes. This was my first time out at the festival and I enjoyed it very much. The omelette was pretty good, especially with local crawfish put in it. As much as I consider myself a city girl, there's a part of me that always loves visiting the real-life Stars Hollows of the world, complete with their festivals. (And now I've made myself want to rewatch all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls pronto.)

One side thought… aren't acorn's just nature's version of bubble wrap? The acorns have been falling like crazy the past few weeks, and since they're all over the place, they're impossible to avoid stepping on.


Julie said...

Love those photos. It's certainly getting cooler up in PA although Saturday was gorgeous and around 70*! And I definitely want to try a piece of that omelette... yum yum!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I love that you consider 70* to be warm, and that's a COOL day for us here! The omelette was pretty good! Not as spicy as I would usually eat, but it was very good for being a 5,000-egg omelette. :)

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