practically green [link friday, 12.14]

This week, I signed up for Practically Green, a fun, interactive website that helps you achieve small steps in becoming greener.

Once you sign up, you take a simple quiz where you mark which green actions you may have taken already. From there, you can peruse different categories, such as Food, Energy or Travel & Transportation, and view different green actions. The more actions you mark as done, the more points you get, and the higher level you achieve. The afternoon I signed up, I stopped at level 6 out of 10. Not too shabby!

You can also mark larger actions, such as buying a hybrid vehicle, as goals, and set a date by which you want to attain it.

Practically Green is very helpful in giving you a sense of just what small things you can do to be more environmental. I noticed a lot of actions were things I've adopted in my own life and things I've written about here, and it's a great way to carry these lessons over into something measurable. All the little things add up!

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