World Water Day 2016

Happy World Water Day, everyone! Celebrate by conserving water when you shower or cook, and take a moment to be grateful for your clean drinking water.
Every year on March 22, the UN recognizes World Water Day, and each year has a different focus. This year, it's Water and Jobs, putting a spotlight on the 1.5 billion people who work in water-related sectors. Enough quantity and quality of water can change workers' lives and livelihoods, and even transform societies and economies.

On World Water Day, people everywhere show that they care and that they have the power to make a difference. They get inspired by information and use it to take action and change things. This year many will focus on the power that water and jobs have to transform people’s lives. Nearly all jobs are related to water and those that ensure its safe delivery. But today, millions of people who work in water are often not recognized or even protected by basic labour rights. This needs to change. 

-United Nations

Visit the World Water Day website to learn even more and find out what you can do to help water quality any day of the year.

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