Photo Friday | Mardi Gras Weekend

Happy almost-Mardi Gras, y'all! How are you planning to party over these next five days?

I spy reusable mugs on the float!

Whatever your plans are, please remember to respect your city and our environment, and don't leave your trash behind. If you bring it, you pick it up!

On Instagram last weekend, I shared a few shots from the Krewe of Carnivale En Rio parade that rolled through Lafayette. It's always one of my favorite parades, but the litter left behind strikes a sour note. As a reminder, your trash is YOUR responsibility. Don't rely on Public Works to pick up your mess. Yes, they clean the route, but it's still your responsibility to clean up your own mess, especially when it's outside the barricades.

Read my blog post from last week for guidance on how you and your group can reduce, reuse and recycle.

And, check out this week's Times of Acadiana for a column by yours truly on how we can green Mardi Gras in Acadiana. Click here or on the photo below to read the column, or pick up a copy around Lafayette!

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